   IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco About Chinese Calligraphy Throughout history, no art form is able to reflect a person’s moral character and knowledge except for Chinese calligraphy. The aura created by a person’s achievements in a field of study or his creations of art can often cover up his deficiencies in knowledge and character. But that is not the case in Chinese calligraphy, which is like a three-dimensional projecting mirror. The depth of one’s knowledge, the level of one’s moral character, and the strength of one’s mind are revealed through the brushstrokes and they cannot be concealed. How one writes ordinarily in Chinese characters tells how well educated one is. It is all the more true in terms of calligraphy using the traditional brush pen and cotton paper. Looking at Chinese history, we see without exception that all the famous calligraphers were great masters of literature who had profound knowledge. Examples include Wang Xizhi, Huai Su, He Shaoji, Yue Fei, Yu...



释证达法师介绍说,6月27日当天赵玉胜居士有幸获得世界佛教最高领袖H.H.第三世多杰羌佛为他传授顶圣大法,请来阿弥陀佛现三十二相,身发万丈毫光,亲自为他摸顶授记,并告知他会派观音菩萨来接他去西方极乐世界(赵玉胜将此经历事实写成文字,早已公布在网上)。 8月24日赵玉胜示现圆寂,出现了赵玉胜居士随观音菩萨往升极乐世界的圣境。




